Your Year In Moments.

Your defining moments are yours and yours alone.

Where One Door Can Lead You.

Give yourself a chance.

To Excel or Enjoy?

The actual challenge here is to slowly start doing things for yourself.

Forgotten Drafts CH2- ‘Numb’.

It always does feel like a better idea to suffer in silence.

500 Of Us.

This blog now has 500 followers!

Forgotten Drafts CH1- ‘Open Wounds’.

Healing is hard.

Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award.

I have been nominated for the Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award.

‘Beautiful Mind.’

I wish I had better words.

‘I Don’t Belong…’

Life is funny like that.

Pray For Your Souls.

Farewell and may you damned be.

The New Song.

You're going to expand your horizons so much more than you think...

The Like-Minded.

It's never too late to drop the toxic people.

What Now?

TL; DR: You are not the person you were 2 hours ago.

The Effort It Takes.

There's always that one thing we all want to go back to at the end of the day.

Art that Binds.

You just need to let yourself feel the connection to it.

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