It’s Time.

Today’s blog post is written by my best friend and an amazing writer, Anupriya of ‘Amour Infini‘. I couldn’t write anything today because of work, so I asked Anupriya to step in for the day as a guest writer and she has written something amazing for the spooky season! 

Make sure you check out her blog for more of her wonderful work!

//Something spooky for the Fall as we are both Fall babies.//

Jamie walked back home, grateful for the autumn breeze and the leaves ruffling beneath her feet. Her eyes were less swollen today, and cheeks, though sunk in, showed a bit of colour. She seemed better. It has been almost a year since he left her, her Pete, to a place she cannot reach out or rescue him from, even though she longed for it every single day. She needed answers, because fate didn’t make sense to her when it took away the person who meant everything for, on the eve of their wedding day. To lose the love of your life to a death that makes you question a lot of rational things, is difficult, because if you try to find answers, you may find yourself lost in a realm worse than death, in the never ending cycle of doom. Yet today, she was feeling better. She has not had any bad dreams for the past three days and the small town where she and her fiancé used to live, seemed peaceful as ever. 

Her friends and family no longer pestered her to come back and stay with them. She seemed to miss them now a little but how can she not be agitated at them for not believing that she was seeing her fiancé every night after his death. How could they call it her imagination when she could touch and feel him every night? But now she was angry at her dead fiancé, because he has not visited her for the past three days, to tell her stories of the other land and how peaceful it was there. She would never get tired of his boyish chuckle when he cracks a lame joke, but she missed his fragrance, because he no longer had his scent on him. She didn’t mind that, as long as she got to spend time with him. She would make two meals every night and sit with him, the leftovers were fed to their dog, Dobby, but now it has been three days since Dobby wandered off too. She wasn’t very worried because he did that once a while. 

Something in her felt different when she entered their old, sweet cottage. She couldn’t notice what, but she felt different. She gazed at the five dreamcatchers hanging from the kitchen ceiling that she and Pete had made a couple of years back. She found a note on the dining table and immediately recognized Pete’s handwriting, ”Be there by supper, love”. Jamie felt a splurge of happiness that she hadn’t felt in a whole year of mourning and trying to reach out to him. She went upstairs to get dressed in her best clothes to celebrate, and she was surprised to find only gowns that might have been from the 1970s. She assumed it was Pete’s work, knowing their love for everything old school. She had so many questions, if Pete can stay and never leave the mortal world, maybe only for her to see him, or maybe even visit her every other day. She heard a knock at the door, and found Pete standing there, wearing a good old fashioned tux, looking handsome as ever, reminding her of the initial days of their relationship. He didn’t say a word, but smiled and reached out for her fragile, soft hand. They walked in silence, hand in hand, not a sight of human activity around them, but just shedding trees and beautiful roads. 

It was a weird bunch of emotions for Jamie, as she felt everything at once, it was like all the moments that they ever shared, that she cherished, hit her like a fast moving train. It was only until they halted, Jamie realized where she was and froze. They stood inside their neighborhood graveyard. Just a few yards away, she saw hers and Pete’s family and friends, huddled together in front of what seemed like a coffin, and sobbing. The dark feeling that she had almost forgotten, found its way back in, she went numb, not wanting to guess who left her and the people she loved. She felt guilty, for not ignoring all their calls, messages and mails. She looked at her beloved Pete and said, ”Honey, who is it in the grave? Who did we lose?”. He smiled at her weakly as he said, ”It is time to say goodbye, Jamie. You should have seen this coming”. Jamie did not know what he meant and a part of her did not want to know. She left his hand and sprung forward to see who it was. Her eyes couldn’t believe what she saw next, her own self peacefully lying down in the coffin. She turned back to Pete for answers, and he said nothing but touched her head, where her memories sprung back to three days ago, the dreaded night she decided to join Jamie in death for more answers, as told by him in his usual notes. Flashbacks forced into her head and it was painful to grasp them all at once. She no more felt at peace or blissful. When she came back to her senses, everything was gone. Her family, friends and even her beloved Pete. She realized with a shudder, after all, it wasn’t really Pete reaching out to her through the notes, as she felt a scrawny hand slither onto her shoulders and gripped…

~ Anupriya.

Thank you so much for reading! If you liked it, go check out Amour Infini‘s blog for more of her work! She has a lot more of these gems on her site!

Featured Image by Daniel Jensen on Unsplash

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