4th Blog-aversary!

This is unreal! I knew my 4th blog anniversary was coming up, but I had completely forgotten about the actual date. So when I got the notification last night, I was so shocked because I still cannot believe that it has been so long since I started this site. I think the reason that it completely slipped my mind is because I have been writing daily for so long, I really stopped paying attention to these things. Nevertheless, this 4th blogaversary is so special to me.

One of the reasons is that I now have something to look forward to doing every day. I have a safe space for my thoughts and a place where I can actually put my writing out there into the world. That, to me, is a very big deal. Another reason is that, after leaving a bunch of things that I left incomplete along the way, this blog is something that I have managed to keep going at, even after so long. My blog has now become a constant of sorts to me and I cannot imagine ever having to leave this behind.

This little site of mine has seen so much growth in this year alone! We have crossed so many milestones together and that is amazing! I have to keep reminding myself that what I write here actually reaches people and that I am putting some of myself out into the world; this isn’t just a ‘hobby’ as most people believe it is! This is a huge part of my life. This blog has become a part of my identity and I cannot ever put into words how grateful I am for every single reader who has read, interacted with and shared my posts with other people they know.

I am constantly trying to expand this site, write new things, add more perspectives and bring new voices here. Hopefully, by the time we reach our 5th blogaversary, we’ll have crossed a lot more milestones together. Just know that if you’ve been here, even if it was just for a handful of posts along the way, I am very grateful for you because my site really wouldn’t be where it is today without you wonderful readers.

We have come a long way since we started and I am honestly a little proud of everything that I’ve been able to do on this blog. Thank you, everyone, and here’s to many, many more milestones together!

Yours truly,
The Shubhster. Xx

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