Of Fairytales And Musicals.

Hello, world!
First of all, I am so sorry for having been so inactive for the past month. I was going through a major writer’s block. And now that I am back, I’m going to let you in on a little not-so-secret: I am a MAJOR Disney fanatic, and I owe a huge chunk of my optimism to D-Coms and fairytales. Disney is one of those things that you can always watch and re-watch, no matter how old you are. I am twenty years old and I still spend my weekends binge-watching old Disney shows and movies. It’s something that a person can never outgrow.

You’re probably looking at whatever device you’re reading this on and wondering, “Why Disney?” Why did I decide to write about this topic, out of everything else? How could Disney, of all things, have possibly given me life lessons? It has. It might surprise you, but the same old fairytales, TV shows, and musicals have taught me to be a better person. If you can look past the story for the sake of entertainment, you can see that Disney teaches people a lot about families, love, relationships, values, life and much more.


I’m sure that many of you would agree with me when I say that every single Disney movie gives me a sense of hope. Everything is going to turn out okay, we’ll survive whatever sea-witch, monster or war that comes our way. We’re going to find happiness, we’ll be able to break free, we can do whatever we want to, be whoever we want to be. The past cannot be changed, but our present is what will determine the future.

Disney movies are like wine. They only get better with age. And by that, I mean your age. They increase in value and your perspective shifts. This is one of the reasons why everyone has something to take home when they watch them. When I was a kid, The Lion King was just another story about animals. But after a while, after several times of re-watching the same movie, I could see the movie in a different manner. The movie is about letting go of the past and embracing the future ahead of us. And once I could see the movie in a different, grown-up perspective, I couldn’t go back.


Do you all still dance to the song ‘Stick To The Status Quo‘ from High School Musical? Remember how the movie showed us that jocks can sing or bake if they wanted to, straight-A students could tear the dance-floor and be cheerleaders, and that we didn’t have to stick to the labels imposed on us by the society? No. Because we probably just watched the musical for its upbeat songs. But at twenty, watching the same old D-Com, I see it differently. I don’t need to let labels define me, none of us do. We are free to chase our dreams and do what we actually love. Speak up. Tell your parents what you love, what you want to do. It will work out!

It doesn’t end there, and it’s not just for children, either. Disney’s sitcoms are timeless as well. Not many of you would know about Disney’s sitcom ‘Boy Meets World‘ where young Cory Matthews learns valuable life lessons about family and friends throughout his adolescence. The show even had a spin-off called ‘Girl Meets World‘ where Cory’s adolescent daughter Riley Matthews and her best friend, Maya Hart, learn something new in every episode under Cory’s guidance.

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I cannot possibly talk about all the movies or shows because it’s an extremely vast franchise that cannot be covered in such a short post. But with every single movie, or sitcom, or even just the soundtrack, Disney has always been a huge part of my life, growing up. It’s partly the reason why I always take things easy and have an optimistic view, because Hannah Montana once told me that ‘good things take time’ and that things will eventually fall in place when they are meant to. So why should we spend time obsessing over what cannot be changed and what we are not even certain of?

We’ll all get our fairy-tale endings. It might not be in the near future, but it will happen to us. All we need to do is keep throwing pixie dust around. Be positive. Love more than you possibly can and it will come right back to you, ten-fold. Love yourself- accept yourself for what you are and just ‘Let It Go‘.

Cheerio! Xx

Hey guys, I hope you liked my blog post. Leave me comments below and let me know how Disney made an impact on your lives.  You can check more of my work on my second blog, The Shubhster Travels. You can also follow me on my social media, links to which are given below. I’d love to hear from you!

The Shubhster.


6 thoughts on “Of Fairytales And Musicals.

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  1. I really wish they put a retelecast of Boy Meets World but yeah, from your perspective it really does makes sense. For me though, most of it just adds to unrealistic expectations sometimes. Like, parents who always understand and let you explore, we almost never have those kind of parents under our roof.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. See, it’s not about relating to the show. That’s never going to happen because we have such vastly different cultures and experiences. It’s about learning from what the movie/show has to offer. In the end, the essence of each episode will lie in the lesson it teaches you.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Got to love Disney.
    My kids grew up with Disney and even now at 17 and 21, we revisit those movies.
    Such memories.
    PS, My nephew works at Disney. He posts the best pictures and we are a little jealous 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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